JM One-Part Liquid Flashing Kit - Single Ply & Permaflash™ Scrim (Published July 22, 2024)
Announcing JM ENRGY 3® HD High-Density Polyiso Cover Board (Published July 10, 2024)
Granule Changes to Johns Manville Cool Roof (CR G) APP and SBS Products (Published July 2, 2024)
RoofTech Xpert App Updated for Android Use (Published June 18, 2024)
Introducing JM Two-Part UIA – Small Canister Kits (Published May 6,2024)
Announcing JM Two–Part Pourable Sealer (Published April 26, 2024)
Spatter Pattern Approval for JM Roofing System Urethane Adhesive (RSUA) (Published April 25, 2024)
JM Two-Part Urethane Insulation Adhesive – New Application Gun (Published April 22, 2024)
New JM TPO Mechanically Fastened Very Severe Hail Approvals (Published March 8, 2024)
Introducing JM PVC SD Plus Fleeceback (Published January 17, 2024)
New JM White EPDM Peel and Stick Flashing for TPO Applications (Published December 8, 2023)
New Single Ply LVOC Caulk Grey (Published November 15, 2023)
Changes to PMMA Metal Primer Offering (Published September 21, 2023)
Announcing Spanish Installation Videos (Published April 12, 2023)
JM Two-Part Urethane Insulation Adhesive – Canister Shelf-Life Increase (Published March 21, 2023)
Updated Bituminous Reflectivity Ratings (Published March 2, 2023)
JM Introduces Contractor Training Modules (Published February 7, 2023)
Announcing Q1 2023 Roofing Institute Training Center Dates (Published January 5, 2023)
JM Two-Part Urethane Insulation Adhesive (UIA) - Extension Policy (Published December 22, 2022)
Intruducing the New JM TPO Safety Walkpad (Published December 8, 2022)
Temporary Packaging Changes to JM TPO Membrane Cleaner (Published August 8, 2022)
Changes to JM 45 mil TPO Rolls per Pallet (Published August 5, 2022)
JM Product Offering Changes to Custom Lengths on TPO and EPDM Membranes (Published July 20, 2022)
JM EPDM R FIT (MF) 6ʺ One-Sided Pre-Taped Available (Published May 20, 2022)
Temporary Fastener Packaging Change (Published May 17, 2022)
Changes to JM Two-Part Urethane Insulation Adhesive Drums (Published May 13, 2022)
JM Bituminous Cool Roof Product Changes (Published April 27, 2022)
JM Product Offering Changes to Invinsa and TPO 45 mil (Published March 29, 2022)
Non-Traditional Adhesive Lid Combinations (Published March 11, 2022)
Peak Advantage Update and Point Consolidation Declaration (Published February 25, 2022)
Updates to JM UltraFast Pre-Assembled Fasteners (Published January 31, 2022)
Updates to JM PMMA Production (Published August 19, 2021)
Changes in our Fastener Offerings (Published July 13, 2021)
Announcing our new JM PVC All Season Sprayable Bonding Adhesive (Published February 19, 2021)
Announcing the New Peak Advantage Guarantee Claim Form (Published October 8, 2020)