New Congressional Report Says Climate Change Is Already Here

Once considered an issue for the indefinite future, a new government report says the effects of global climate change are already being felt across the USA. Rising temperatures, drought, extreme weather events, and  coastal flooding all provide evidence that rising CO2 levels due to human activity are impacting our society in the here and now.

That sobering assessment is contained in the latest Federal Climate Assessment, a report prepared by a team of more than 300 experts guided by a 60-member federal advisory committee. This Assessment collects, integrates, and evaluates observations and research from around the country, helping the nation to see what is actually happening and understand what it means for our lives, our livelihoods, and our future.

The report includes analyses of impacts on seven sectors – human health, water, energy, transportation, agriculture, forests, and ecosystems – and the interactions among sectors at the national level. One conclusion that impacts the energy industry: Infrastructure is being damaged by sea level rise, heavy downpours and extreme heat; related damage is projected to increase with continued global warming.