The Cost Of Corrosion And Our Deteriorating Infrastructure

In its 2013 Report Card on Infrastructure, the American Society of Civil Engineers rated America’s overall infrastructure a pathetic D+. The report card estimated that $3.6 trillion in investment is needed by 2020 to improve our tunnels, bridges and pipelines, etc. One of the biggest sources of this mega-problem for the nation? Corrosion.

Corrosion impacting nearly every industry exists on such a scale that a report issued more than ten years ago initiated by the International Corrosion Society (NACE) estimated that the direct cost to the economy was a staggering $276 billion, or 3.1% of the nation’s GNP. In recent years, the problem has grown even bigger.

The NACE report estimated the cost of corrosion by industry sector, and laid out a series of prevention and control methods that can be taken to improve public safety, improve industrial efficiency and positively affect the environment. Now that infrastructure spending is back on the national agenda , the report makes for relevant reading.

Read the downloadable NACE report on the Cost of Corrosion here...