IRE 2023
The International Roofing Expo in Dallas, TX is officially wrapping up today! With over 11,000 attendees, the IRE was bustling with new and familiar faces. Johns Manville made sure to welcome all attending Peak Advantage customers to the booth to hear about new training opportunities and the latest manufacturing news. Customers also competed for a Solo Stove during the Duck Hunt Event each day.
With over 165 years in the industry, staying in touch with customers and making sure we share the latest commercial roofing industry trends is important. Thank you to everyone who stopped by the booth. See you next year in Las Vegas!

IIBEC 2023
JM didn't hold back with our opening reception for the IIBEC conference in Houston. The team welcomed attendees with a live band and great conversation. Highlights of the conference included praise from Kim Koonz on the BURSI program being at the forefront of roofing education.