The 2022 International Roofing Expo (IRE) is taking place in-person February 1-3, 2022 in New Orleans. We are excited to be able to attend in person and are looking forward to seeing everyone. The IRE is a great way to network with commercial and residential builders, contractors, manufacturers, suppliers and more!
Where to find us
Stop by our booth 1119 to get the latest updates about our new polyiso plant in Hillsboro, TX and to learn about our new products we are launching in Q1. Get your free tradeshow pass or 10% off the Conference Super Pass on us! Use promo code: JOHN356
Events to Attend
Sunday, January 30 | 9:30am – 7:00pm
National Women in Roofing Day
2:30pm – 3:30pm Breakout Session - A Few Good Guys Become Allies: How Women Can Identify Male Allies and Partner to Impact Change
Our Director of Technical Services, Todd Nathan, will be speaking during events with National Women in Roofing Day along with several other speakers in a breakout session. Inclusion strategies often overlook the idea to include and work with the majority group. However, helping today’s majority to buy-in is essential since they still hold the reins in many cases. Whether we like it or not, men matter when it comes to the advancement of women and under-represented groups. So, let’s talk and work together in bringing this to life!
JM Live Demo: 10:45am – 11:45am
JM Technical Representative, Anna Swiontoniowski, will be demonstrating using mock ups of various common roof penetrations, the presentation will go over all the components of a proper flashing system, pros and cons of each detail, required tools and equipment, and installation methods. The live demo will show:
- Prefabricated pipe boot detail
- Field-fabricated pipe wrap detail
- Penetration pocket with pourable sealer
- Liquid flashing system
Monday, January 31 | 4:00pm – 7:00pm
NRCA is partnering with National Women in Roofing to host “Salute to the Big Easy” on January 31 from 4 - 7 p.m. at the American Restaurant and Bar at the National WWII Memorial. This evening will consist of a cocktail reception where members will enjoy a full bar and amazing food, as well as a popular live auction, where you can bid on trips, artwork, fresh lobsters delivered throughout the year, and more!
All proceeds will support ROOFPAC, the only political action committee dedicated to advancing the roofing industry in Washington, D.C.
For further information and to register, please contact Teri Dorn, NRCA’s director political affairs at 202-510-0920, or This is a ticketed event. Space is limited.
Cost: Contribution Requested - $150 Individual / $250 Couple
Tuesday, February 1 | 9:30am – 11:00am
Keynote Speaker: Reid Ribble, CEO, National Roofing Contractors Association
Get motivated and come together with the industry during the biggest event at IRE. Join us for our keynote speaker session with the honorable Reid Ribble. You will also hear from the IRE show management team and receive an update from NRCA.
Lessons…An insider’s look at 40 years of learning, falling, failing, and succeeding.
All of us, no matter our age, have learned from the lessons of living life. Reid Ribble will share a life’s worth of lessons learned from his father, his roofing business, his time in Congress, and leading the roofing industry as the CEO of the NRCA. Although many speakers and authors have spoken to a few secrets of success, Mr. Ribble will bring a dynamic point of view on how to achieve it inside the roofing industry.
Tuesday, February 1 | 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Welcome Party
Connect with your fellow attendees during an evening of conversation, networking, and fun. The IRE Welcome Party will kick off at 6:00 PM.
It is hard not to picture Bourbon Street, Cajun food, and Mardi Gras when you think of New Orleans. Get an authentic Mardi Gras experience by joining us at the famous Mardi Gras World as we celebrate the opening day of the 2022 Intentional Roofing Expo. While you are there, you’ll get a behind-the-scenes look at the work that goes into creating the legendary floats and costumes for a New Orleans Mardi Gras affair.
Cost: $70 (One ticket is included when you purchase a conference pass.)
Stop by JM Booth 1119! Get your free tradeshow pass or 10% off the Conference Super Pass on us! Use promo code: JOHN356

Are you ready to become NRCA ProCertified?
Roof system installers can take their NRCA ProCertification online knowledge exams and thermoplastic systems hands-on performance exams FREE during the 2022 International Roofing Expo in booth 1461.
Preregistration is required for hands-on performance exams. Candidates must register at and pay the application fees by January 21, 2022 to take advantage of this unique opportunity.
Johns Manville is a proud sponsor.