Fiberglass Health & Safety: Understanding the Research

Fiberglass is one of the most studied man-made substances on the planet, and there are dozens of studies specifically designed to determine whether fiberglass poses any health hazard to humans. These third-party studies have produced a robust body of scientific evidence supporting the safety of fiberglass in air handling applications.  However, despite the evidence supporting both its safety and performance, there are still some lingering fears about the safety of fiber glass. Primarily:

  1. A belief that insulation glass fibers are potentially carcinogenic.
  2. Whether or not fiber glass products can withstand prolonged exposure to an airstream without eroding.

These perceptions come from the initial fiberglass research that exposed test animals to glass fibers through surgical implantation into the abdomen rather than through inhalation. Clearly this is a route of exposure that would never be encountered in the real world, and it bypasses all the natural defense mechanisms inherent to the human body. The results of these tests indicated that fiberglass could pose a potential health hazard.

Click here to read more details about the research that has been done on fiberglass to determine whether or not it poses any respiratory health hazard to humans.