More than 1,000 JMers across the company volunteered nearly 3,500 hours as part of Global Community Day events this year. Most projects were completed on or before September 21, though a few more will be completed through the end of the month.
While final numbers are still being compiled, 45 projects were registered across JM; 24 of the projects were from plants and 21 were from corporate teams.
Now in its fifth year, Global Community Day has helped volunteerism weave itself into our company, from bottom to top, throughout the communities where JM operates around the world. Volunteerism is included in JM’s sustainability goals because we want to deliver positive JM Experiences where we live and work.
While some companies focus community investment activities on one issue or organization, JM’s focus is on our employees. JM’s community investment program is employee-driven, meaning we want to support the causes and programs our employees care about. We encourage JMers to give back to their communities by donating their time and treasure to issues and programs close to their own hearts.
Employees based at WHQ and JMTC volunteered their time assembling meals and sorting food at a local food bank, constructing a community vegetable garden at a local police station and conducted a bake sale to support babies born to under-resourced families in the Denver metro area.

At JM plants around the globe, employees cleaned up graffiti, provided healthy snacks to school children, constructed homes with Habitat for Humanity and assisted with a fishing tournament for special needs children, among many projects planned.
“Global Community Day is an important and meaningful effort for JM,” said President and CEO Bob Wamboldt. “The variety of projects benefit the communities where we live and work. I am proud that JMers give their time and support to so many wonderful causes around the world.”