Top 10 Most Popular Industrial Insulation Blog Posts For 2015

1. Too Hot to Handle? Safe-to-touch insulation temperature standards are critical for worker safety in industrial settings.

2. Insulation Speed Test: Calsil vs Silica Aerogel A 56-second video that proves IIG’s Thermo-12 Gold goes on faster

3. A New Look and Feel for Industrial Insulation Group New branding treatments, colors and logo now that we’re part of Johns Manville

4. A brief history of calcium silicate insulation. The evolution of the leading solution for insulating high-temperature pipe and equipment.

5. Facts for Comparison: Thermo-12 Gold Calcium Silicate Insulation vs Silica Aerogel Cost and performance data worth considering when making a choice.

6. Standard Specification for Calcium Silicate Block and Pipe Insulation Meeting the specification standards of ASTM C-533-13

7. Active Corrosion Inhibition with XOX Treated Insulations What you need to know about hydrophobic insulations

8. Technical Update Part Two: The Impact of Thermal Shift on Thermal Conductivity Why you need ALL the relevant information to properly insulate your system

9. Decluttering the Data: Understanding the Technical Data Behind Insulation Performance (Part 3) When calculated results don’t match field results

10. The Impact of the Skilled Labor Shortage on Insulation Selection Key trends gleaned from recent employment market data.