Hillsboro Receives Their First Railcar of Material

Our new polyiso plant in Hillsboro, TX, has been busy in the distribution center, sending out shipments of JM roofing products to our customers. Now onto phase two! The plant started to receive raw materials in December in preparation for commissioning
activities, which began in January. The plant is equipped with both railcar and tanker truck offloading facilities and received their first railcar just last month. The commissioning team, comprising JM technical resources, plant personnel and the equipment supplier, is on site to inspect and commission the manufacturing line and has begun performing test runs of the polyiso boards to
validate the process.   

The plant is still hiring, so if you or someone you know is looking for a great opportunity at our new Hillsboro plant, check out the openings here. Currently, our new employees are participating in training activities such as visiting other JM ISO Board manufacturing plants to gain hands-on experience in advance of commercialization.